So Long Summer, It's Been Fun!
As I sit here on a Sunday morning, I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that I have only two days to prepare for school to start. It's not that my room isn't ready or I don't know what I'm going to do on Tuesday. Those things are pretty much taken care of (or will be tomorrow!). It's my brain that I can't seem to get ready. It's not that I sat around all summer. I took two classes toward my Master's Degree and traveled in June, July, and August. I tried to tame my yard and have almost finished sorting my basement. I read some books and spent a lot of time volunteering at the food pantry. It was just that I always had the option to relax if I wanted to. And with school starting, that option goes away for 9 months. Not that I won't have any free time. I will. But I will always be feeling that I should be preparing a lesson/giving some feedback/writing an assessment/revising something I did last year to m...